Welcome to Our Church

Upcoming Events

“The Deep Dive”

A new Sunday night film series with Pastor Gary entitled “The Deep Dive” takes place the 2nd and 4th Sunday nights of each month in the Sanctuary at 6:00 pm. Join us this evening at 6 pm for “Police State” Pt. 1, Sunday, July 28th “Police State” Pt. 2. Coming up on Sunday, August 11th…

Men’s Retreat

The Men’s Retreat is coming up August 16th-17th, at Inlow Baptist Camp. There is a sign-up sheet on the Information Table. The cost of the retreat is $70 per person. Please sign up and make a $10 deposit to hold your spot. Pastor Chik Chikeles is our guest speaker this year. For more information see…

Weekly & Monthly Events



Calvary Teens, Mid-High & High School, meet every Sunday or morning in the Sanctuary in the reserved area located in the back row (parents are welcome to join). On the 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays after worship the teens go to the prayer room for a youth teaching. On the 1st & 3rd Sundays they…